Highwood Copse Primary School

Breakfast and After School Clubs

Early Birds Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club – 7:45am to start of school day £4.50 per session held in Early Birds Club.

Breakfast will be served from 8am to 8:25am.

Bookings for Reception to Year 6 can be made via your child's Parent Pay account.

Night Owls After School Club

After school club for all year groups from Reception to Year 6 is led by Mrs King and runs after school until 5.30pm Monday - Thursdays and until 5pm on a Friday.

Bookings for Reception to Year 6 can be made via your child's Parent Pay account.

Any enquiries relating to wraparound care clubs can be made to 8692002@sims-communications.co.uk

Please find our full wraparound care club Terms and Conditions below:


wraparound care t and cs 2025.pdf