At Highwood Copse Primary School, we are proud to offer a wide range of clubs throughout the year, run by both our staff and external companies. These clubs are designed to enrich your child’s school experience, and we are committed to ensuring that every child has access to free clubs each term.
Due to some of the clubs being run by external providers and coaches, there may be some terms where fewer clubs are available compared to others. However, we always strive to maintain a diverse and engaging selection of clubs. There are always enough clubs for every child in the school.
To make the most of this opportunity, we encourage families to view these clubs as a way to support their child’s interests and development, rather than as a form of childcare. This allows children to explore activities they truly enjoy.
Here’s how the process works:
• Each family is invited to create a myEvolve account when their child first joins the school
• Each term, a new programme of clubs will be released and everyone will have the chance to join their child up to a club of their choice
We try and ensure that every child who shows an interest in a club has the chance to take part at some point during the term.
While this system may not be perfect, we are proud of the unique offering at our school. It’s rare to find another school that provides such an extensive range of free clubs, and we are excited that we are able to continue to share this opportunity with your family.
If you would like your child to attend a paid club, there will always be payment details on myEvolve to ensure it is clear how this can be made. Payments to this effect are usually paid to the external provider directly and then the office will manually add your child's name to the list once payment has been confirmed.
Please see the full list of clubs below.
Music Lessons
- Vocal coaching (group and individual lessons)
- Keys coaching (keyboard and piano) (group and individual lessons )
- Guitar coaching (group and individual lessons )
Fencing Club
Takes place on: Monday 7.45-8.45
Year Group(s): 1,2,3
Cost: FREE
Storytime Club
Takes place on: Mondays 3.15-4.00
Year Group(s): 1,2,3
Cost: FREE
Gymnastics club
Takes place on: Mondays 3.15-4.15
Year Group(s): 1,2
Cost: FREE
Football club
Takes place on: Tuesdays 7.45-8.45
Year Group(s): EYFS, 1
Cost: FREE
Football club
Takes place on: Thursdays 7.45-8.45
Year Group(s): 2,3
Cost: FREE
Netball Club
Takes place on: Tuesdays 3.15-4.15
Year Group(s): 3
Cost: FREE
Times Table Rockstars (TTRS)
Takes place on: Tuesdays 3.15-4.00
Year Group(s): 2,3
Cost: FREE
Choir club
Takes place on: Tuesdays 3.15-4.00
Year Group(s): All
Cost: FREE
Razzamataz Theatre Club
Takes place on: Wednesdays 3.15-4.15
Year Group(s): EYFS
Cost: FREE
Forest School
Takes place on: Wednesdays 3.15-4.15
Year Group(s): All
Cost: £60 per 6 week block
Science club
Takes place on: Thursdays 3.15-4.15
Year Group(s): 1,2,3
Cost: £50 per 6 week block
Yoga club
Takes place on: Fridays 3.15-4.15
Year Group(s): All
Cost: £60 per 6 week block
Basketball club
Takes place on: Fridays 3.15-4.15
Year Group(s): 2,3
Cost: £50 per 6 week block