Highwood Copse Primary School


The children come first. 

Highwood Copse Primary School will prepare pupils for life, imparting globally relevant knowledge, developing skills, and building character; collaboratively, we’ll raise self-aware, outward-looking children who can live a life of their choosing, anywhere on the globe.

Our mission is to provide holistic education that never falls short of excellence. We are role models of the highest calibre, and our school is a place where the children are central to every decision we make. We will provide an environment which keeps children safe and gives them the opportunity to define what success means to them; we will impart the skills and self-awareness needed to pursue this self-defined success with passion and ambition. 

The staff and school will be exemplary: purposeful, impactful, organised, efficient, and well-resourced. We will provide an exciting and stimulating learning environment, and our teachers will inspire and motivate, encouraging scholarship, intellectual curiosity, independent thought, and effective learning habits. Pupils will understand that they are global citizens. They’ll have an understanding of social justice, will be champions of inclusivity in diverse modern Britain, will understand that their purpose is shaped through service, and will show respectful, tolerant, and well-informed views about their own community and the wider world. 

We are passionate about our wider community, and will strive toward communal actualisation, with a particular focus on the relationships between parents, pupils, and staff. Our values of resilience, curiosity, collaboration, integrity, independence, creativity, and purpose underpin every aspect of school life, including our curriculum, worship, behaviour policy, learning environments, interactions big and small, and lesson time. We are raising adults, thus our education will be foundational, broad, and enduring.

Please see our most recent curriculum letters to learn more about what is being covered this term: